The NIMMSTAManager handles the communication with the app. You can also connect to new Devices and check what devices are already connected to the app. It has an list of all currently connected devices.
The following properties can be read and set to change the behavior of the host application.
- allowMultiDevice = false, true
- interpretButtonAsMotionTrigger = false, true (if true, the preferredTriggerMode button will be interpreted as a motion trigger)
To communicate with the app to manage connections you can call several functions, that will be explained in this section.
The following actions are currently supported:
Display Connect Activity
This is the easiest way to connect a new HS-50. This action opens a new activity that displays the scannable connection QR-Code. After the connection is established successfully the activity disappears again.
Search For NIMMSTA Devices
You can also start a search for NIMMSTA Devices, to detect all HS-50s that are in reach of your device. To get information about discovered/lost devices you have to implement the deviceFoundEvent and the deviceRemovedEvent that are covered in the event section.
Please make sure to catch errors via onError. If location or bluetooth permissions are not granted, this will throw there. As a workaround, we recommend calling displayConnectActivity.
Cancel Search
The search you started above runs infinitely until you cancel it with this action again.
Connect to Address
If the search for devices found a device you know the address of it. With this address you can connect to the device.
Please make sure to catch errors via onError. If location or bluetooth permissions are not granted, this will throw there. As a workaround, we recommend calling displayConnectActivity.
Get Connection Code
If you want to implement the connection progress with the QR-Code scanning yourself you can do so with the getConnectionCode Action. This Action returns a connectionCode and a base64 encoded png image of a QR-Code that you can display on your webpage.
manager.getConnectionCode().onSuccess { response ->
Log.d(TAG, "Connected device: $device")
val connectionCode = response.connectionCode
val qrBase64 = response.qrCodeImage
val decodedString: ByteArray = Base64.decode(qrBase64, Base64.DEFAULT)
val decodedByte = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(decodedString, 0, decodedString.size)
}?.onError { error ->
Log.e(TAG, "Error", error)
manager.getConnectionCode().onSuccess((response) -> {
String connectionCode = response.getConnectionCode();
String qrBase64 = response.getQrCodeImage();
byte[] decodedString = Base64.decode(qrBase64, Base64.DEFAULT);
Bitmap decodedByte = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(decodedString, 0, decodedString.length);
manager.connectToConnectionCode(connectionCode, null);
return null;
}).onError((error) -> {
Log.e(TAG, "Error", error);
return null;
Connect to Connection Code
To connect to a device that has scanned the QR-Code you have to start a connection attempt.
Please make sure to catch errors via onError. If location or bluetooth permissions are not granted, this will throw there. As a workaround, we recommend calling displayConnectActivity.
Cancel Connect
To cancel an ongoing connect attempt you can call the cancelConnectAction, which accepts an address or an connectionCode.
Cancel All Connect
You can also cancel all ongoing connection attempts at once.
To handle manager events you need to implement the NIMMSTAManagerEventHandler interface
Device Found Event
The deviceFoundEvent occurs if a device is discovered by the NimmstaDevices search.
Device Removed Event
The deviceRemovedEvent occurs if a previously discovered device was lost again, e.g. out of range or shutdown.