1.2 Integrate the NIMMSTA Light Tag Library into your application
In this section, we will guide you through the process of integrating the basic library parts into the Android application.
The difference here from the normal integration is that we are using the Light Tag Library instead of the Core Library and the way we access the Light Tags is different from Smart Watches. Consequently, it means you have to use the documented repository. Also, instead of using connectionManager, we are using LTDeviceManager to manage Light Tags.
- This integration works with native Kotlin / Java Android Projects. For Xamarin or .NET MAUI, please consider using a websocket integration.
- You should already have added the maven package to your project. Otherwise, see the previous section.
- You have to use either Java or Kotlin for the integration, but we recommend using Kotlin as we are providing easy-to-use features there.
Light Tag Device Basics
Before you start adding your application-specific code, you should know a few basic concepts around the devices:
- Every Light Tag has a unique Mac Address and can Store a "Location". We call the process of defining the Location "Attach".
- The Location is a simple string that can be up to 20 characters long.
- The SDK provides functions to define which Light Tags should be illuminated and with which color and intensity.
- As long as no new information is coming, the SDK will always search for those Light Tags and illuminate them. Also when losing the connection, it will retry doing this.
Two basic classes exist:
The LTLEDMode is the representation of the LED mode of the Light Tag device. It contains the color, the intensity, and the blinking pattern of the LED.
The Location is the representation of the location of the Light Tag device. It contains the name of the location.
Note: the location length should be less than equal to 20 characters.
Integrate NIMMSTA Light Tag Library into your application
As a first step you bind the NIMMSTALightTagServiceConnection
to your Activity, which is connected to the LTDeviceManager
The goal is to connect to the LTDeviceManager
which controls the connection and communication with the Light Tag Devices.
You need to integrate the NIMMSTALightTagServiceConnection
in each Android Activity and each Android Service separately:
class MainActivity: Activity() {
/* ... */
private lateinit var lightTagServiceConnection: NIMMSTALightTagServiceConnection
/* ... */
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
lightTagServiceConnection = NIMMSTALightTagServiceConnection.bindToService(this).onComplete {
try {
// this is the point in time when the (background) task completes and the result throws if an error occurred.
} catch (throwable: Throwable) {
override fun onDestroy() {
class MainActivity: Activity() {
/* ... */
NIMMSTAServiceConnection lightTagServiceConnection;
/* ... */
protected void onCreate() {
/* ... your onCreate code ... */
lightTagServiceConnection = NIMMSTALightTagServiceConnection.bindToService(this)
.onComplete(new NIMMSTADoneCallback<Task<NIMMSTALightTagServiceConnection>>() {
public void onComplete(Task<NIMMSTALightTagServiceConnection> result) {
try {
// this is the point in time when the (background) task completes and the result throws if an error occurred.
} catch (Throwable throwable) {
protected void onDestroy() {
Light Tag Device Manager
The LTDeviceManager is the main entry point for interacting with the Light Tag devices. It provides methods for locating devices, disconnecting devices, and finding nearby devices.
Note: please note that Current Light Tag SDK is only working as long as exactly one smart watch is connected and does not work with more or no smart watches.
find nearby devices
To find nearby devices, you can use the following method: this method will return a flow of Light Tag devices that are nearby.
Illuminate Light Tags (setDesiredLightTags)
To illuminate a light tag, you need to provide the locations of Light Tags being illuminated and also the desired LED Mode. The SDK in the background will make sure to illuminate the Light Tag as long it is in range and also reilluminate it if it goes out of range and comes back in range. There can be a maximum of 5 Light Tags illuminated at the same time. The Light Tags will be illuminated until a new request is received. To turn it off, send a request with an empty deviceList.
Behavior: - If the connection limit is reached and new devices are provided, an ConnectionLimitExceedException is thrown. - If the provided devices list is empty, it will disconnect all devices. - If the provided devices list is not empty, it will attempt to connect to the devices.
Stop Illuminating Light Tags
Stop illuminating Light Tags is a special case of setDesiredLightTags
where the devices list is empty.
Attach a new Location to a Light Tag
The attach method will store new location information on the Light Tag device. For the successful case, the Light Tag device will blink green.
Preconditions: - The total number of connected devices should be less than 5. - The device should be found in the nearby devices list.
Behavior: - If the connection limit is reached, an ConnectionLimitExceedException is thrown. - If no smartwatch is connected, a NoOrMoreThanOneSmartWatchConnected is thrown. - If the process can't be completed within 15 seconds, a TimeoutCancellationException is thrown.
Detach Location Information from a Light Tag
The detach method will detach the location information from the Light Tag device. For the successful case, the Light Tag device will blink green.
Note: detach is a special case of attach where the location is empty.
End of Life Behavior
This method will trigger the end of life behavior for the Light Tag device. End of life is the case in that the device has less than 5% and user can not illuminate the device anymore.
Note 1: all of precondition and behavior are the same as attach method.
Note 2: for being able to use this method, device has to be EOL. you can check it by device.isEOL
The LTDevice is the representation of a Light Tag device. It contains all the necessary information about the device, such as the MAC address, the battery level, and the location.
val device = deviceManager.findNearbyDevices().first()
android.util.Log.INFO("Device MAC Address: ${device.address}")
android.util.Log.INFO("Device Battery Level: ${device.batteryLevel}")
android.util.Log.INFO("Device Location: ${device.location}")
android.util.Log.INFO("Device rssi: ${device.rssi}")
android.util.Log.INFO("Device state: ${device.state}")
android.util.Log.INFO("Device is EOL: ${device.isEOL}")
android.util.Log.INFO("Device is connected: ${device.isConnected}")
android.util.Log.INFO("Device is disconnected: ${device.isDisconnected}")
LTDevice device = deviceManager.findNearbyDevices().first();
android.util.Log.INFO("Device MAC Address: " + device.getAddress());
android.util.Log.INFO("Device Battery Level: " + device.getBatteryLevel());
android.util.Log.INFO("Device Location: " + device.getLocation());
android.util.Log.INFO("Device rssi: " + device.getRssi());
android.util.Log.INFO("Device state: " + device.getState());
android.util.Log.INFO("Device is EOL: " + device.isEOL());
android.util.Log.INFO("Device is connected: " + device.isConnected());
android.util.Log.INFO("Device is disconnected: " + device.isDisconnected());